

For most retail outlets, it doesn’t make sense to hire an extensive security staff to keep an eye on all visitors. Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, the work of a person within the framework of tracking thieves may be less effective than desired. Therefore, the installation of video surveillance in the store is the optimal solution to the problem of theft, which additionally helps to solve other business problems. In particular, thanks to the cameras, it is easier to analyze the behavior of customers to increase the profitability of the business. The main thing is to correctly define your goals and choose the right technical solution.

Advantages of installing cameras:

Modern digital technologies help to solve several tasks at once, which are always relevant for business. Equipping the store with quality video surveillance will be useful for:

— Preventing the spoilage of goods and theft by customers;

— Proving a violation that has already been committed;

— Stimulating staff productivity;

— Reducing the number of false claims;

— Conducting market research.


The cost of installing video surveillance cameras and purchasing related equipment is more than recouped by reducing shortages and increasing labor productivity. Moreover, due to the observation of customers can reorganize the work of employees and the arrangement of the hall to increase the number and volume of purchases.

Of course, choosing which CCTV cameras to install and how to install them is a very difficult question. It is more rational to entrust this question to specialized companies that will create a project that takes into account the specifics of your goods and premises, offer the best option — with a reasonable price and effective work.


Location of cameras in the store

When planning a surveillance system, it is worth assessing which areas are most hidden from the eyes of security guards and sales floor staff — cashiers, consultants. You should also pay attention to areas with high traffic, where it is easiest for a thief to hide in the crowd.

For each of the cameras that are installed in the responsible area, there are different requirements:

— In the cash control zone, the camera should have good resolution, so that you get full information in case you have to prove the guilt of the offender.

— In the sales area it is convenient to install dome cameras that record visitors or the seller and his actions.

— At the entrance and exit requires the use of cameras with a narrow-directional lens to capture faces.

— Cameras for monitoring the parking area should be street cameras, i.e. resistant to moisture and vandalism, as well as have high light sensitivity.


At the beginning, it is planned to install cameras near the entrance and in the cashier’s area, then — in the sales area and in the warehouse. Such measures protect against theft of customers and employees. It is also recommended to include in the video surveillance project cameras above the entrance to the salesroom from the outside, in the area of goods acceptance. If these areas are covered, it will be easier to prevent offenses by staff and visitors or to solve already committed crimes.


Our company applies modern technical solutions, for which there are a number of technical nuances. For example, for effective and quality work of Shoplifter Prediction system of «42» company the requirements for cameras are as follows:

— High-quality Full HD cameras

— Visibility areas of the cameras must overlap

— Angle of camera tilt 30-45 degrees

— Not wide-angle (view not 180 degrees)

— No blind spots.

Cameras from different sides (at least from 3 sides) should be directed to one area of visibility.

It is important to remember that there are areas where the use of cameras is prohibited. In shopping centers and individual stores, these are fitting rooms, toilets, changing rooms, and showers. This includes both the rooms for visitors and the area where the staff is located. Ethics rules do not recommend placing cameras in eating and rest rooms. Finally, surveillance should not be allowed to cover the grounds of a private house or apartment, as this could be considered as illegal surveillance of private life.


Advantages of installing video surveillance for business

Most store owners, when applying for selection and installation of cameras, rely on the goal of minimizing theft. Nevertheless, modern technologies, in particular artificial intelligence, help to successfully apply the solutions from the company «42» for other purposes as well.

First of all, surveillance systems help to reduce the number of thefts and increase the share of solved crimes. Some intruders who behave suspiciously can be «caught by the hand». High-tech cameras with a behavioral assessment system signal to the staff that a potential thief is in a certain point of the hall. But it is impossible to prevent all such situations, because many criminals act professionally, working in the blind spots of cameras and not creating suspicion with their behavior. With such experienced offenders it is easier to work after the theft — a camera with good resolution will allow you to easily identify the criminal and report him to the police.

In addition, security camera recordings are useful for researching the behavioral aspects of your customers. With their help, you can analyze the travel routes of most visitors, the order of visiting departments, the popularity of certain shelves with goods. After evaluating the records, you can:

— Highlight dead-end and «blind» zones of the store,

— Optimize the planogram of product display,

— Evaluate audience indicators: age, gender, time of visit and stay in the store, etc.

Proper use of such data will help to increase store revenues without implementing additional solutions.

Finally, CCTV cameras can be installed to protect against fraud and employee deception.

Statistics say that a large proportion of people avoid work duties and try to steal less if they know there are cameras on the premises. However, this will have no effect on some people, but the manager will have evidence of certain violations, for example:

— Wasting work time on personal matters or taking breaks at inappropriate times,

— Theft of goods from the warehouse or sales floor, product damage,

— Poor quality of service to visitors.

Recordings from surveillance cameras in the sales areas will also help to expose collusion between the buyer and the employee, if it is the reason for the shortage of some products.

Selecting video surveillance systems for the store

Today, both classic video surveillance and video analytics are available for retail premises. The latter actively uses artificial intelligence to prevent violations and minimize material losses of the store. In each case, the parameters of video surveillance are selected separately, namely:

— The number of cameras, their type and location;

— The amount of memory for recordings;

— Presence of microphones that record sound from the camera;

— Additional options.

Experts recommend trusting the solution of these issues to professionals who have managed to prove themselves in the market. Otherwise, it is easy to encounter with one-day firms that will install poor-quality equipment and poorly work out the scheme of the system. As a result, you will waste your money.

When installing video surveillance, first an inspection is carried out and a statement of work is drawn up that fully addresses the client’s objectives. Then the installation points of cameras and other equipment are included in a detailed digital project that helps visualize the result. Then a schedule of cameras is created, and the devices are installed at the object, after which testing is carried out and the complex is put into operation. A professional approach will ensure high performance from the implementation of such technologies